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  • Tuesday 7 February 2012

    Just when I thought there wasn't anything I'd like to write about, I discover a wonderful surprise-- my first ever blog award! *virtual cartwheel* My heart is bursting with joy and I am truly flattered thanks to Chi of The Occassional Musings (one of my favorite fab reads) for the love! 

    On the 7th of February I'd like to share 7 tidbits about me:

    1. I only write with black ink and highlight with yellow/orange highlighter. Even during my school days, I prefer black over blue or other colored ink for writing.

    2. I can fold my eyelashes--which freaks people out because it seems like I'm folding my lids inside-out but really, it's just the eyelashes people!

    3. I only write in block capital letters... because I suck at writing in cursive! Haha.

    4. I still sleep with a blankie. The latest one that I have is 7 years old!

    5. I haven't been eating rice for 3 weeks and counting....

    6. My first laptop's name is Lolita.:)

    7. I'm in love with stars and starfishes!

    I'm spreading the love and passing this on to 15 of my favorite stalkable blogs:

    1. Nest & Fly
    2. Life After Breakfast
    3. The Happy Turtle
    4. the occasional musings.
    5. Out of Neverland
    6. Fierce As the Vikings
    7. Miss Adventure
    7. nurturing thoughts
    8. Happiness is a Warm Gum
    9. pattylaurel
    10. The Fat Kid Inside
    11. The Fashionista Commuter
    12. The Historian
    13. The Zebra
    14. fonziandfriends
    15. Our Artful Life

    This award has its rules, if you receive it you have to:

    • Thank who send you the award and add a link to her/his blog;
    • Write 7 random things about you;
    • give the award to other 15 bloggers you love and tell them.
    now it's your turn to pass this one. spread the loev to the whole wide world!


    1. Wee, I can't wait to answer this!

      Thanks, dear! :D like you, I prefer writing in black ink... and I never learned how to write in cursive!

      How I wish I can stop eating rice, too!

    2. Wow I can't believe you sent me this link. Thanks C!

      And yeah, I tried not eating rice but I ended up getting depressed so yeah. :P
